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Welcome to the largest museum in Łódź

At the end of 2012 the museum of Archaeology and Ethnography in Łódź was in the possession of 260 354 catalogued items. Some of them are displayed on permanent exhibitions: archaeological, ethnographic and numismatic. Collections of individual  departments of  archaeology, ethnography, numismatics and puppet theatre can be also seen on the web side. Besides, you can find out about the educational offer of the Science-Education Department. It is also worth becoming acquainted with methods of work of the Department of Conservation and Research into Technology of Artefacts.

Welcome all to the museum


The history of the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnography in Łódź.

After regaining independence by Poland in 1918, the Łódź Municipal Museum was founded, which stored various collections in the broad meaning of culture. Between 1929-1930 a decision was made to separate the multifarious collections and forming new museum venues. Ethnographic and archaeological collections were handed over to the municipal Museum of Ethnography, which commenced its activity on 1st January 1931. Ethnographer Jan Manugiewicz M.A., who also had broad archaeological interests, was appointed the museum director. Primarily the Museum's interest focused on centrally located provinces : Łódź and Kielce. Very quickly, still in the 1930-s it spread onto eastern provinces of the Republic of Poland, i.e. Lublin, Wołyń, Stanisłąwów and Tarnopol. A great Museum's achievement editing its own publication, entitled 'Wiadomości Ludoznawcze' between 1932-1934. Thanks to the Museum director's initiative and his own personal contacts, the venue gained ethnographic artefacts from Asia, Africa and South America. The pre-war collection had 1460 artefacts. Simultaneously, the Museum initiated the co-operation of university units from different cities to undertake archaeological research on many sites in Central Poland. In this way the Museum's collection was increased to 9 600 artefacts. In the period before the break-out of World War II, the Museum gathered 14 000 artefacts, but the times of German occupation caused their plundering and destruction. Particularly big losses suffered the collection of non-European ethnography.

The primary Museum venue was a tenement house at Piotrkowska 91. In 1934 it was moved to a much bigger place at Piotrkowska 104, and since World War II it has occupied the building at Plac Wolności 14.

After the end of World War II, ethnographic and archaeological collections were separated, as a result of which two institutions were founded : the Municipal Museum of Prehistory (working since 14th May, 1945), managed by Prof. Konrad Jażdżewski and the Municipal Museum of Ethnography (working since 20th April, 1945) managed by Janina Krajewska PhD. At the turn of 1949/1950 both museums were nationalised and given the names: Museum of Archaeology and Museum of Ethnography in Łódź. In 1948 a Numismatic Department was set up by Anatol Gupieniec, who obtained hoards and single ancient, oriental, medieval and modern  coins for his collection.

On January 1st 1956 both institutions were merged into one Museum of Archaeology and Ethnography in Łódź, whose director was Prof. Dr. Hab. Konrad Jażdżewski. The Museum statute allowed gathering collections and conducting research on the whole territory of Poland, as well as abroad. It also imposed an obligation for broad availability and dissemination of the material. The youngest department-the Puppet Theatre Department- was formed in 1980.

Since 1979 Doc. Dr Hab. Andrzej Miołajczyk was the Museum Director, and after his death since May 1991, it has been Prof. Dr Hab. Ryszard Grygiel.

On 27th May the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnography in Łódź has been added to the National Register of Museums as no 44.

Ilość wyświetleń: 11158